Monday, August 24, 2009

Wow...That Certainly Is Classsssyyyyy....

I'm at the bus stop, on my way to the grocery store (read: in old jeans, t-shirt, no make-up, and hair pulled back know, my normal look--ha!) when a suburban is turning the corner, honks, driver is hanging his head out of the window yelling "damn baby you look fiiiine!"

I look around, no one else nearby.

Great, thanks Mr. I'm-Driving-Around-With-My-Wife/Girlfriend/Baby Momma-And-3-Kids.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Yeah, What Are You Thinking???

So this teenage girl walked into the laundrymat this morning with her 10 & 8ish year old brothers and starts putting randomly putting laundry into the washers. Watching her with his mouth wide open staring, the 10 year brother yells: "What are you thinking?!? You have to separate the laundry first! I have to do everything myself???"